Wharf Lane, Bourne End
Retirement Living-
Renaissance Retirement -
Bourne End, Buckinghamshire -
Construction Value:
N/A -
This project is located within Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, in close proximity to the village centre and River Thames. The site was previously occupied by small, dated business units, which were no longer practicable for employment use. It, also, had a history of unsuccessful residential development proposals, which had not been acceptable to the Council.
Our scheme for the redevelopment of the site proposes 21 retirement living units complete with communal facilities, set within landscaped gardens. One of the challenges identified during the early design development was the proximity of the neighbouring residential properties and the shallow garden depths. Engaging with Wycombe District Council during the design process we were able to propose an arrangement for the site that maintained the amenity and privacy of adjoining owners.
The proposal received officer recommendation to grant permission, which was supported unanimously by members of the planning committee.