Care and Sheltered Housing in Egham

Retirement Living
  • Client:

  • Location:

    Egham, Surrey
  • Construction Value:

  • Completion:

    Part Completed 2019

We were approached to help unlock a complex site with significant constraints. The land was trapped between the M25 on a steep embankment to the east, industrial uses to the north and backs of houses and flats to the west and south. It is in flood zone 3 which normally precludes any development. There are significant noise issues from the adjacent M25. And high risk of overlooking to and from adjacent residential properties.

Despite these constraints we managed to achieve planning for over 120 units on the site across 3 buildings, comprising a 67 bed C2 care home, a 50 flats Extra Care home and a 6 bed Close Care home. Each building developed its own architectural language that drew from the particular conditions and context of that part of the site, but worked together to create a coherent street within the site and along The Avenue.

Once planning was unlocked with our designed the site was sold on and developed to another architects designs, but it would not have been possible without our expert planning design input.